Igli Bajo#
I’m a PhD candidate in Finance at the University of Zurich and the Swiss Finance Institute. I hold a MSc in Economics from the Barcelona School of Economics.
My research interests are firm dynamics and corporate finance. In my research, I study how information and financing matter for firm dynamics, and how firm dynamics, in turn, impact short-run and long-run output and welfare.
Recessions are periods in which the least productive firms in the economy exit, and as the economy recovers, they are replaced by new and more productive entrants. These cleansing effects imply that business cycles generate improvements in the average firm productivity. We argue that this is not sufficient to induce long-run gains in GDP and welfare. We show that these are driven by the intensity of love-of-variety in aggregate production. If industry output is aggregated with the standard CES aggregator, recessions do not bring about any improvement in GDP and welfare. If the economy features more love-of-variety than CES, the social planner finds it optimal to subsidize economic activity in recessions to avoid firm exit.Working Papers
Draft coming soon.Slides
Work in Progress
University of Zurich
Powercoders Coding Academy, Zurich, Switzerland